Tool for industrial symbiosis projects

The SymbioSyS tool facilitates the detection of industrial symbiosis synergies and connections among companies.

This tool enables the identification and visualization of synergies based on waste exchanges and resource sharing.

Who is this for?

Collection of data and analysis

Engage industry and business in industrial symbiosis and collect data of the companies and stakeholders involved in the project.

Resource mapping

Visualize industrial symbiosis in an industrial park, city or region in order to support the policy-making and strategies towards a sustainable circular economy.

Identification of synergies

Find, expand or unveil new opportunities to get value and benefits from underutilised resources in companies placed at any geographical emplacement.
For further information please contact:
Engineering&Industrial Ecology
School of Industrial Engineering and Telecommunications
Avda. de los Castros s/n 39005 Santander